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About Intuitive Traders

Welcome to Intuitive Traders, a website designed for the "small investor" by a "small investor." This blog is written in Hawaii by a recently graduated college student who now spends most of his time at local Star Bucks cafes and Borders book stores with free and unsecure wireless internet access, as well as reading the latest financial magazines for free (I told you I was a small investor. Remember, recently graduated college student = broke and in debt).

Here at this blog you will have access to what goes through the mind of an actual trader with limited resources. It's difficult to take advice from a trader who has much much much more money than you! They either have money to throw away, or are smart enough to use their huge load of cash on income stocks. What I'm trying to say is when you're a small investor, it's a whole different game. Trying to imitate the strategies of the big boys usually won't work. They either have too much risk, or not enough risk.

In this website I post an almost daily opinion on the market, with brief analysis of where the indexes are heading. Once in a while I post information on stocks I'm watching, stocks in my portfolio, and mistakes I've made and what I could have done to limit losses or maximize profits. This is all a learning experience for me, so I strongly recommend that you do not do copy-cat trading here (I'm not a fan of copying anyone!), in fact, I'll never say "buy this stock", but that doesn't mean I won't argue a bullish or bearish case for a stock.

I do many types of trading- I invest in stocks as well as options, going long or short. I do mostly day trading and swing trading, and have longer holding periods for companies with strong fundamentals in favorable sectors. So, expect this blog to get pretty messy. I'm currently in the process of organizing things, so until then, you'll just have to dissect what I'm posting.

About the Website
I'm trying to use this website as a visual snapshot of what I'm thinking as I'm watching the market. At the end of each day I will post commentary on the main page on how the market was in gerenal, how it affected me, and certain details about specific stocks (it's impossible to track every stock, and it's better to "specialize" in only a few). While the market is open I post day trades and thoughts on my Day Trades page. It would make more sense to use a chatroom in real time, but you'll just have to keep hitting the refresh button since I still haven't figured out how to embed a real time chatroom on this zero dollar budget site.

Once a week, I post my closed trades for the week on my humble Performance Page. I like to use this as a snapshot of where I'm going and also for back-testing. You can use it to determine if I'll have a good or bad weekend.

You'll probably notice a lot of nonsense links above like "stage 1 notes" blah blah. Currently I'm in the process of changing some of those pages because it takes too much time to update.

Finally, the stock market opens at 3:30 AM here in Hawaii, so I'm usually up all night, which can have a weird effect on me. So if some of my posts don't make sense, or has stupid grammar errors, then it's because of the lack of sleep (it's definitely not fair trading in Hawaii!!!)

Enjoy the site!



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